Large bootroom with hanging running down one wall and an antique table in the centre

Country House Boot Room


This beautiful country house boot room space was designed mainly for storage, to house shoes, coats and all manner of outdoor gear for a family with with three young boys.  The client also wanted the room to feel as if it had been there forever, integrating and blending with the rest of the house.

The interior designers, worked closely with the client to pick out colours, fabrics and flooring, while Guild Anderson was tasked with designing and making cabinetry to suit the client’s needs.  Ample storage was required for jackets, sticks and sporting equipment. Also involved in delivering the wider project were the builders, Emma Kirby Design.

A Butler’s sink was set in to the the dark green cabinetry for washing boots, dogs and filling vases.  The boarded walls are more than just a nod to the period architecture of that time.

An open cupboard in a country house boot room

Ample hanging with a handy mirror

A butlers sink in a country house boot room

A butlers sink area with marble tops

Boot room in country house
Pretty oak seating with decorative detailing


French polished details

To keep the boot room space looking pretty and elegant, the oak bench seat was designed with a scalloped rail with hand turned legs, all finished by hand in a reinforced hand applied French polish which brings out the grain.  A full height cupboard with drawer underneath provides ample space to store sports kit, outdoor rugs and essential items for a busy outdoor family.

As well as this bespoke boot room, we were also commisisoned to create a bespoke kitchen design in the early Victorian country house style.

Boot room showing back door and antique table

Interested in boot room design?

Contact our design team if you would like to discuss your project

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